Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Inspiration Part 2: "That wasn't sex... that was naked poetry."

This post is a continuation from a previous one... Click here to read: Inspiration

As an aspiring writer, I can't help but admire Hank Moody. I know he's a fictional character, but a phenomenal fictional character he is. If you haven't had the chance to catch Californication on Showtime, please make some time to catch up on it, you'll be glad you did. Sometimes I feel like Hank Moody and I share the same brain. A lot of his lines, his delivery and the way he carries himself reminds me of myself. David Duchovny does a great job playing Hank Moody.

One of the lines that made a bigger impact in me was, "that wasn't sex... that was naked poetry." Lines like those inspired me to write. I have admired poetic lines like those since I can remember. I used to sit and dissect Aerosmith lyrics for hours. Sometimes is as if I'm in in love WITH love... or the idea of love. I crave the feelings described by others. I must admit, though, I HAVE been lucky enough to have felt feelings like those. Feelings that inspire writing.

I most definitively understand where Hank Moody is coming from when he says, "don't sell yourself short... I invited you to come, you did all the rest" ... I know what his head is going through. In one occasion, a gorgeous girl I was seeing, which I consider my muse (she has been inspiring most of my writing since I was about 13 years old), she actually asked me if I was "on the spot writing" or an "impromptu" kind of writing because I was "delivering lines" as I stared at her. Apparently she noticed I was "being creative." Every artist has a creative spot. I've written about my creative spot titled, "Bipolar Advantage: If Your Eyes Could Only See." This "spot" is a surreal place... it's pretty much anything the artist wants it to be. That's where you go when you are imagining things and coming up with ideas.  Sometimes, when you think about something so intensely you tune everything out and go into a "zone." This "zone" is very similar to the Creative Spot except the creative spot CAN be tapped into willingly and when you zone out you usually do it subconsciously.

Another similar anecdote was a girl I was with for a long time. When we first got together she would tease me and make comments about my "lines"... it took her a little while before she figured out that she was actually inspiring these "lines" and I wasn't up the night before memorizing them. For a little while, she actually thought I would look up lines on the internet and just wait for the right moment to deliver them when in reality it was her and the moment inspiring those lines.

One kind of cool thing about those special moments is that a lot of them never make it on paper. Unlike Hank Moody, who is on-screen and all his lines are immortalized, some of the lines I've whispered have been "one timers." That, in a way, is pretty cool because I share a moment with someone who no one else will know about. Yes, that "on the spot" writing on air-canvas will never be heard by anyone else, but it adds to the "specialness" of the moment. To me, it's kind of nice knowing I have moments and inside jokes that will never mean the same thing to anyone else. Since I write a lot, I make it a point not to use the same "lines" with different girls. Every girl I've been with, which haven't been many, can be certain the things I said to them will not be said to anyone else.

The things I do decide to publish, though, have been so because I decided to immortalize the moment. I chose to publish those moments and feelings because I thought they made for great writing. I felt that feeling I so craved before pretty intensely and I wanted others to crave it as well. I have been told before that I inspire people to write because I'm so passionate about it, but the goal of my writing goes beyond that... I want to share these thoughts and feelings to inspire my readers to let go and take that leap of faith. Love and let yourself be loved. Watch a lot of Californication and take plenty of notes.

CALIFORNICATION Season 4 Episode 7 Promo And Sneak Peek Clips

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